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A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR FOR 2020 to all Candour subscribers and supporters

We have much to do together and I have big plans for this year.

I was disappointed, but autumn always is slow, that my appeal, in the last Candour Extra! (sent to subscribers only) for a modest £500 toward new kit has thus far reached £235. Can you help tidy up that lose end now? (As I write this, no wifi yesterday so this is a little late, £40 from the US and £10 UK have already come in as a result of my New year's email which did go out yesterday. Thank you both). Let us clear the decks of the, now, remaining £215 of that Appeal.

Candour #879 should be in the post at the beginning of this year. Featuring Part 3 of Stephen Smith's excellent East London Rights for Whites series titled People Like Us Deserve to Win. A great heading!

The 4 Part series will become a book in 2022 with the addition of much material and photos.

Toward this end I am launching a Roll of Honour on which the names of supporters will appear in the book before the Introduction. (Already 2 pledges since the email). For an example of how this works please see our bookshop and our The History of the League of Empire Loyalists and Candour. (Buy yourself a copy for the New Year!)

To join the new Roll of Honour in the Rights for Whites book will cost you £40 and you will receive a paperback copy, one of the first off the presses, signed by Stephen Smith and Derek Beackon.

Get your name down now and get involved. Our efforts cost a lot more than most people imagine.

Send all donations via PayPal elsewhere on this site or send cash (well wrapped), cheques or Postal Orders payable to Colin Todd at;

BM Candour, London, WC1N 3XX. UK.

Finally, to the photo that accompanies this piece. (Taken approx. 4 years ago) I am pictured here (trying to look thoughtful). I was, a long time ago, an Able Seaman (SR) in the Royal Navy. Apart from the obvious Victory analogy it is also here to remind me of my New Year resolution which is to get back to the weight I was then and much fitter.

Colin Todd.

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