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30th Anniversary; Derek Beackon's BNP Millwall Election Victory - 16th September 1993. Update #4


"On Saturday 16th September 2023 thirty Patriots from a cross-section of the British Nationalist movement gathered together in a restaurant in south Essex to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the British National Party's incredible council election victory in Millwall Ward, Isle of Dogs, East London in 1993.

Our triumphant candidate was Derek Beackon, popular local East London activist. A brave and sincere man.

[In the photograph shown, not as clear as we would have wished due to technical problems, left to right, are John Morse, then Editor of the BNP British Nationalist newspaper, Dr. James Lewthwaite, holding a copy of the Victory issue, Stephen Smith, Derek Beackon and Lady Michele Renouf who were among those in attendance. CT]

If one peruses the Candour 'Rights for Whites' series one can see the tremendous impact this event had on British politics and moreover it proved that WE could win seats!

Nationalists from the British Democrats, Patriotic Alternative and assorted individual Patriots from various backgrounds heard speeches from; Chris Roberts former London BNP organiser, former Tower Hamlets Branch Organiser Stephen Smith, ex-BNP Campaign Director Eddy Butler and a fine, inspired speech from Laura Towler of PA.

Smith and Butler, architects of the Tower Hamlets branch responsible for this political breakthrough both stressed that the success of the Millwall election victory was created by the four years of dedicated, intelligent, hard work of the 'Rights for Whites' campaign.

The great man, Derek Beackon, who was in attendance was very warmly applauded.

That moment of history from 16th September 1993 established the credo of Nationalist Community-based politics and signposted the way to the BNP election victories of 2002-2009.

Interested Patriots can read about this era in back issues of Candour No's 877-880 inclusive.

Race & Nation.

Stephen Smith."

Thank you for that report Stephen.

The four issues of Candour Stephen refers to (877-880) are available together in the UK from us for just £12.00 incl. P & P.

Subscription details for Candour are available elsewhere on our website.

Your donations are always needed. This has been an expensive month for Candour and our research involves time and travel. We are, as ever, in need of technical upgrades.

The donations button works in x £10.00 units.

I hope this finds you all well and safe. It really feels like autumn here now.

Colin Todd.

WARNING: For those more recent to the movement the BNP of then has NOTHING to do with the couple of conmen using the BNP name or logo now as a website. STEER CLEAR!

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