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A Surprise Nationalist Bestseller

It certainly was for us when the orders began to come in for this latest edition put together by Rob Black and first published in 2017.

Ben Greene was a maverick by nature and a colossus in stature, a gentle giant who stood six feet eight inches tall and was part of the illustrious Greene clan that included the novelist Graham Greene, Hugh Greene, Director-General off the BBC 1960-1969, Raymond Greene, Everest mountaineer and doctor. Ben's daughter Leslie Greene became a leading light in the League of Empire Loyalists in the 1950's and 60's.

With an abiding interest in constitutional matters and a smouldering resentment following his brutal treatment during his questionable internment by the 'British' government under the 18b regulations during WWII, he worked diligently on the subject for the rest of his life, but unfortunately died before the book he was planning was finished.

This booklet comprising of five essays by Greene, which first appeared in Candour between 1956 and 1977, also includes The Life of Ben Greene by his daughter Leslie.

Softcover. 62 pages. £7.00.

Order direct from us, that way the money goes to us, using PayPal at the bookshop or via our other routes. (See elsewhere on the site for details).

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