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Candour Update #18 Hard Work = Solid Progress

Updated: Dec 7, 2024

Not rocket science I know...

Last month saw a great increase in sales online of one of our many own published books. A. K. Chesterton's, legendary, The New Unhappy Lords. From all over Europe to Australia, New Zealand, the USA and Canada.


Perhaps "As ever more people emerge from the prolonged state of lethargy to find the old familiar world destroyed, the once cherished values scorned, the signposts to what had seemed an assured national future obliterated, they ask in bewilderment: "What is behind it all?"

Which brings us to another of our exclusive publications Hidden Government which also demands much broader circulation.

The author of this book was a regular soldier who served with distinction in the South African War and in the First World War. When he retired from the Army due to wounds received on active service, he settled down in an English country village and began to study politics and economics. He wanted to know

-Why honest Tommy Atkins had been compelled to fight peaceful Boer farmers and enable an International Diamond Syndicate to gain control of the South African mines?

—Why ten million men should have been slaughtered in the First World War (described as "a war to end wars") when the subsequent Peace Treaty so obviously sowed the seeds for a second and more terrible conflict?

—Why the Banks of the world create money lavishly out of nothing to finance these wars and yet for peace, credit is immediately restricted?

—Why when the Second World War came "to defend the rights of small nations" these small nations were sold by their allies into a slavery worse than death?

Soon he came to realise what Disraeli had shown in one of his novels —"that the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes."

In the early stages of his investigation he was bewildered and worried that great men whom he admired would make perhaps one brief reference continued on back to the "personages behind the scenes" and then forever hold their peace.

For nearly twenty years, Lt.-Col. Creagh Scott has been following up clues left by prominent men, for he has become convinced, as was Field-Marshall Smuts, that "there is some hidden pressure behind all the worries of Europe, Asia and America."

The results of this investigation are given here in simple language so that the man in the street may come to his own conclusions.

Lest anyone should think that the title of the book suggests the realm of fiction let them ponder the words of the statesman Disraeli :—"Governments do not govern, but merely control the machinery of government, being themselves controlled by the hidden hand."

The author shows how the hidden hand controls the governments of both Capitalist and Communist countries.

"Jock" Creagh Scott was one of the first financial supporters of Candour in 1953, and the League of Empire Loyalists founded in 1954.

Originally published in 1954, this is our 2017 fully authorised fifth edition.

Jock's grandson now stands with us in the Candour front line!

Order your paperback or hardback copy of Hidden Government NOW at our online shop.

£600 Appeal Update

Results thus far from our recent Blog (#17) appeal have been splendid and means the two reconditioned laptops are now available (One for Steve Smith, new Candour Assistant Editor and the other for the Candour office). More news on that when we update.

The stalwarts who have already donated are:

Yuri USA $250 = £182, J.M. Surrey £130, G.S. £20, P.J. Berkshire £50, D.M. Fife £30, G.M. Scotland £20, In memoriam of Rosine de Bounevialle from France £50. Rob Black £50.

That makes £532.oo raised in a couple of weeks.

With your added support we can go way beyond that amount before Christmas.

From £5.00 upwards it ALL helps.

Some serious projects in the works are now being realised and others can be worked on and planned with your extra support.



You can now open a new 5 issue subscription to Candour as easy as pressing the Donations button twice (it works in x 2 £10.00 presses) in our Online Store, using PayPal, and adding your personal details in the Order Comments box.

The standard subscription rate of £40.00 for 10 issues (UK) remains in place. When I get a chance over Christmas I will have a go at tidying up the website and updating the subscription buttons.

The bill has just come in (£108.00) to renew our postal address for the whole of 2025.

Which neatly brings me to postal payments and donations, cheques and Postal Orders payable to Colin Todd only, and cash wrapped in tin foil in secure envelopes, which can all be sent to:


Any questions about anything please email me, Colin, at


On a very warm weekend not so long ago Heather and I cycled to Anne's Hill Cemetery in Gosport and paid our respects to the Britons buried there and the 31 Germans. (In the photo I am standing in the German plot). All of the graves, as ever, are very well looked after by the workers of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.

Such a tragic and planned waste of European lives for the benefit of the International Financiers, military-industrial complex and their political stooges of all persuasions is, of course, nothing new.

At present we have the meat grinder slaughter in Ukraine and in Georgia, on another Russian border, the same malevolent forces, NATO and the EU, are going for regime change and again poking the Bear.

(See Hidden Government, top, for a lot on those behind such events. A timeless classic).

Always ask Cui bono? Who benefits?

Not you and I.

Support Candour.

Colin Todd. Ex-Royal Navy. 1979 - 1985.

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