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Good Candour & Racial Nationalist News

The full mailout, worldwide, of Candour #880 was completed last week on the 9th of June.

Your Candour Editor, Colin Todd, attended the British Democratic Party (British Dems) meeting in South London on the 12th. The gathering in a leafy suburb venue on a sunny Sunday was a big boost for British Racial nationlism. (Good crowd, top company, lovely buffet). It was all very well run by Mike Jones who I also thank for the photo taken just after the meeting ended. (left to right) Steve Smith, Andrew Brons and Derek Beackon. Steve and Derek you should all know from Candour (if you subscribe). Andrew is the President of the British Dems and a former BNP MEP. Dr. Jim Lewthwaite, the British Dems Chairman, gave the keynote talk. (For a much fuller report you will have to read the next issue of Candour). Subscribers only.

The copies of Candour I took to the meeting sold out in a few minutes thanks to Derek B (I should have taken many more copies than I did!)

The British Dems have been a 'slow burner' and are now gaining traction. They are racial nationalists NOT 'civic' nationalists such as those squandering resources in the two forthcoming parliamentary by-elections. (Whose names I shall not mention here or in Candour). The British Dems believe in hard local work and not parachuting into areas for a donation rush and publicity.

Candour is also growing. That can continue only if more people support our work financially and do not leave it to the usual few stalwarts. I appreciate that these are increasingly difficult times (not by my grandfathers standard in Newcastle Upon Tyne in the 1930's mind) but I know there are many out there who could open their wallets and give the moths a little fresh air!

Donations can be sent via PayPal using the donate box at our ONLINE STORE (it takes donations in multiples of x 10). In the UK cheques or Postal Orders must be payable to

Colin Todd only. The same applies to IMO's (International Money Orders).

Cash you can send from anywhere using common sense. Wrap in tin foil and send in a safely sealed envelope. £'s Sterling, Euros, US $'s are best.

Send all postal correspondence to our land address at:

BM Candour, London, WC1N 3XX, UK.

(This address is another essential part of the Candour infrastructure that has to be constantly maintained. That means paid for on a regular basis).

Any questions or problems with any of the above please email me, Colin Todd, at

Any problems with the PayPal account we can send you a PayPal invoice on request.

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Jun 30, 2022

Candour #88O received today. Many thanks to Colin Todd!

Dave Armstrong

Oklahoma, United States


Jun 21, 2022

CANDOUR # 88O JUST RECEIVED AND READ. A true bombshell of past and future reality for Britons around the globe. An inspiration indeed. Your hard work is most definitely appreciated by Patriots of a British-Canadian persuasion. Age has no limits when the spirit is willing.

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