Issue #880 is almost ready to print.
16 pages again + 2 page Extra!
Part 4 of East London Rights for Whites 1990-94 Lost When Won But Proves It Can Be Done! by Steve Smith.
"What Big Teeth You Have..." by Tarka.
A look at the former RCP ( 1980's to 90's Revolutionary Communist Party) people and some of the extraordinary, at first glance, places they are now.
Britons Neglected and our Community Services Get Worse by Gordon Stridiron.
Since #875, about a year ago and following a time of simple SURVIVAL, we have GROWN subscriptions to Candour by almost 50%.
The present subscription rates do not cover our costs. Postal rates rose again last April 1st and YET I have pledged to maintain the present Candour subscription rate until January 1st 2023.
We can only maintain this strategy of publishing and bringing in more new people and younger generations with YOUR financial support. Right NOW I need £200 to pay for office supplies just to get this issue moving asap.
Donations can be sent by PAYPAL to our DONATE box at our ONLINE STORE elsewhere on this site (NOTE that it works by making donations in x multiples of £10.00)
In the UK cheques or Postal Orders must be payable to Colin Todd only. The same applies to IMO's (International Money Orders).
Cash in £'s Sterling, EUROS or $'s wrap in tin foil and send in a secure envelope as with ALL real correspondence to BM Candour, London, WC1N 3XX, UK. (This business address we have used for many years and which has done us much good service must also be maintained. It costs us a couple of hundred pounds a year).
Any problems or questions about any of the above please email me, Colin Todd, at
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Dave Armstrong
Oklahoma, United States
Thank you Colin and all at Candour, donation sent today!